Friday, July 27, 2007

The Egyptian Comma

When we talk About Egypt we must be aware of that we're talking about acountry that has a avery great civilization but can't get out of its history to the recent life , some thing like living in a " comma " .
People in Egypt are used to saying " OK " and are used to obeying every word said by Mubarak's government even If they believe it is against their humanity . The only thing Mubarak succeeded in achieving is that Every body became only concerning about how to earn his living and how to feed his children giving up thinking about political reforms or freedom and other things that would cause him to be punished like those who were sent to military tribunal or even those who were abused in Cairo streets .
And when we count how many things passed because of Egyptian citizens' fear we will find it so much ; Gamal Mubarak – the elder son Of president Mubarak – became the real governer of the country , ministers are his friends and followers , the govt's plans are made and passed by his men everywhere , the parliament is under his orders and no one can object to his will .
Most Egyptians believe that the president's chair is prepared to be filled with Gamal Mubarak and every thing in the country also prepared , laws were passed to shut up every sound that would say no to Mr Gamal's ruling to the country , the constitution was amended to enable him – alone – to come so easily to the chair , his main candidates were sent away between prisons and troubles that would affect their names if they think about being candidates anymore .
While all these deeds follows the Egyptians are away from the political life , saying many stupid comments and think they are useless and their opinions are vain because what will happen is what Mubarak want and not what they need or wish .
Some said during the presidential election that any other president will come and robe our treasures cause he will be hungry but the recent is sutisfied , while others say the dictatior whom we know is better than the one we don't know forgetting that as they can get a president they also can send him away .
In fact , any comment about the Egyptian people is that they need to be aware of their strength and aware of that they are more powerful than any president that practise his dictatorship against his people and humiliate them to strengthen his position using the blood of civilians as an instrument in acheiving his aims .
This way , Gamal will be the next Egyptian president , Nothing can stop him from earning more and more power except the awareness of people that the most important thing is their " WORD " wheither to say yes or no but they must recognize they are powerful and effective in the political life .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.